View Full Version : From Kent to Essex via the City of London

27th May 2006, 12:18 PM
My interest is in the Solly family, originally from Ash in Kent, who wound up in Walthamstow and Leyton and other parts of what was then Essex. The main characters in my part of the family appear to be Isaac Solly and his son Isaac, the latter being a baltic timber merchant in the City of London and also living at Leyton House. His eldest sibling was Ann Solly, my 4xgreat-grandmother, who married Christian Paul Meyer. This Meyer connection led me to a cousin who was a member of the Sole society and who pointed me in your direction.

The Solly siblings, their offspring and the families they married into provide a fascinating insight into 19th Century Britain. They appear to contribute a lot to the worlds of trade, art, science, medicine and social reform. I've been overwhelmed by the number of references to them on the Internet and hope that the CD-ROM can assist in clarifying some of it.

If anyone wants to share in exploring this part of the family, or has already gleaned a lot of information on them, then do please contact me.

13th October 2008, 09:20 PM
I have just noticed your reference to issac SOLLY. I moved several years ago to Congleton in Cheshire and found that one of the old silk mills was called Solly mill owned by two brothers called Isaac and Jocylyn SOLLY who came up from the south. I think the family resided just outside of Congleton in a place called ASTBURY. There are also ISAAC SOLLY STEPS which lead from the town to SOLLY MILL and SOLLY CRESCENT. In nearby Macclesfield Hospital one of the buildings is named Jocylyn SOLLY house after its benefactor.

Hope this info is still relevant to you,

Regards Colin SOLLY, from the Ash Kent family Line :)